

  题 目:Geomechanical modelling of CO2 injection in deep aquifers
  报告人:Chao Li 博士/美国INTERA Incorporated公司瑞士分公司工程师
  时 间:2018年1月2日(周二)10:30-11:30
  地 点:科学馆516



  Chao Li has obtained his engineer diploma (bachelor + master) from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), France in 2010. He joined, as a research engineer, the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where he was mainly involved in coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling with applications for energy-piles, earthquake, landslide and nuclear waste storage. In 2012, he started his phd thesis in the field of geomechanical analysis and modelling of CO2 storage and graduated in 2016. He continued as a postdoc and conducted research investigations on coupled geomechanical behaviours of porous medium, with a focus on coupled thermos-hydraulic-mechanical modelling for a wide range of applications, including radioactive waste isolation, CO2 sequestration, landslides, structural and design analysis of geo-structures, and analysis of subsidence and uplift in reservoirs.
  Now Dr. Chao Li is the geomechanic expert in INTERA Incorporated, Swiss branch. He provides his expertise to support various national cooperatives for the disposal of radioactive waste such as ANDRA, France and Nagra Switzerland. He has published 6 journal papers and another 3 papers in the review process.