



2018.07- 至今  河海大学土木与交通学院 副教授

2018.01-2018.07 河海大学土木与交通学院 讲师

2015.07-2018.01 河海大学土木工程博士后流动站 博士后


2005.09-2009.06 中国石油大学 化学工程与工艺 工学学士

2009.09-2014.12 中国石油大学 化学工程与技术 工学博士


  1. 新型路面结构与材料

  2. 废旧材料资源化技术

  3. 特种沥青材料设计及理论






2. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目):残留水作用下泡沫温拌沥青混合料界面粘附性损伤行为研究(517081772018-2020,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划:道面设施寿命增强与性能提升技术(2021YFB2601200),2021-2024,子课题负责人

4. 中国博士后学基金面上项目:2016M5917592016-2017,主持

5. 国家重点实验室开放基金:基于微观组成的SBS改性沥青增容机理研究,2016-2018,主持

6. 科技攻关项目:基于低碳施工的抗滑微罩面技术用关键材料开发及其工程应用研究,2022-2023,主持

7. 科技攻关项目:环保型低碳无味沥青关键技术攻关及产业化应用,2023-2025,主持

8. 江苏交控重大专项:高速公路沥青路面固废精细化处理与资源化高效利用,2022-2024,子课题负责人

9. 科技攻关项目:针对大宗类SBS改性沥青的节能减推技术研究及工程应用项目,2023-2025,技术负责人

10. 科技攻关项目:江苏高速公路路面养护专用SBS改性沥青技术标准研究,2019-2020,技术负责人


  • 本科生教育教学

  • 2023年获第十八届全国大学生交通科技大赛一等奖

  • 2024年获第十四届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛江苏省选拔赛金奖

  • 2024年获第十四届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛全国铜奖

  • 2022年获第十七届全国大学生交通科技大赛二等奖

  • 2019年获第十四届全国大学生交通科技大赛三等奖

  • 2019年获第四届江苏大学生交通科技大赛二等奖

  • 2020年获第五届江苏大学生交通科技大赛二等奖

  • 2022年获第七届江苏大学生交通科技大赛二等奖

  • 2023年获第八届江苏大学生交通科技大赛三等奖

  • 2020年指导学生获得河海大学优秀毕业论文

  • 2020年被评为河海大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

  • 2021年主持河海大学创新性教学实验项目1

  • 指导学生完成省/校级创新创训项目4

  • 2023年被评选为土木与交通学院“我最喜爱的任课教师”

  • 20202023年被评为土木与交通学院“优秀班导师”

  • 研究生教育教学

  • 2024年江苏省研究生智慧交通运输科研创新实践大赛三等奖

  • 2023年指导学生获评河海大学优秀硕士论文培育获得者

  • 2022年主持河海大学研究生“课程思政”示范课程建设项目

  • 2023年指导学生获得江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目

  • 河海大学专业学位研究生实践优秀成果获得者2人次

  • 指导多名研究生获得国家奖学金


1. Dong Fuqiang, Jiang Yang, Yu Xin, et al. Performance restoration of aged SBS-modified asphalt in RAP via dry-process SBS modifier diffusion at the interface of aggregate-aged asphalt-virgin asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2024,453:139022. (SCI)

2. Dong Fuqiang, Yang Peixing, Yang Yansheng, et al. Designing High-Performance Rejuvenators: A Theoretical Approach to Asphaltene Dimer Aggregation and Disaggregation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024,36(6):04024134. (SCI)

3. Dong Fuqiang, Jiang Yang, Yu Xin, et al. Design of SBS molecular structure and contribution mechanism from its soft and hard segments to modify asphalt. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2024, 25(1):2345140. (SCI)

4. Dong Fuqiang, Lu Jinli, Yu Xin, et al. Insight into the diffusion behaviors of SBS-compatibilizer-coupled modified asphalt: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental validation. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 2024:22123. (SCI)

5. Dong Fuqiang, Jiang Yang, Yu Xin, et al. Improvement of compatibility, thermal stability, and rheological properties of composite modified asphalt based on molecular gradient design. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 21:e03632. (SCI)

6. Dong Fuqiang, Wang Shiyu, Yang Yansheng, et al. Conventional properties, rheological characteristics, and thermal performance of waste polyurethane modified asphalt with butyl rubber. Construction and Building Materials, 2024,411:134460. (SCI)

7. Dong Fuqiang, Wang Shiyu, Yu Xin, et al. Investigation on the Diffusion Behavior of Dry Modified SBS at the Asphalt-Aggregate Interface: Molecular Simulation and Experiments. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024,36(2):04023564. (SCI)

8. Dong Fuqiang, Yang Peixing, Yu Xin, et al. Diffusion Behavior of Rejuvenator and Its Influences on the Interfacial Properties of Recycled Asphalt Mixtures by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experiments. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023,35(11):04023402. (SCI)

9. Yang Peixing, Dong Fuqiang*, Yu Xin, et al. Molecular study on diffusion behavior and performance recovery of aged asphalt binder containing functional rejuvenators. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,407:133536. (SCI)

10. Dong Fuqiang, Zu Yuanzhe, Chen Bei, et al. Laboratory investigations of the effects of asphalt mortar and its viscoelasticity on the workability of asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,389:131756. (SCI)

11. Chen Bei, Dong Fuqiang, Yu Xin, et al. Research on evaluation method of asphalt mixture workability based on minimum mixing energy consumption. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,389:131760. (SCI)

12. Dong Fuqiang, Wang Jincheng, Yu Xin, et al. Regeneration mechanisms of aged SBS modified asphalt from RAP materials: Molecule structure, morphology, phase transition, and interface adhesion characteristics. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,388:131689. (SCI)

13. Dong Fuqiang, Yang Peixing, Yu Xin, et al. Morphology, chemical reaction mechanism, and cross-linking degree of asphalt binder modified by SBS block co-polymer. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,378:131204. (SCI)

14. Chen Bei, Dong Fuqiang*, Yu Xin, et al. Chemo-Rheological Characterization of Aging Behaviors of Warm-Mix High-Viscosity Modified Asphalt. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022,34(12):04022342. (SCI)

15. Dong Fuqiang, Hao Yunzhe, Yu Xin, et al. Influence of Adding Compatibilizer to SBS Polymer-Modified Asphalt on Compatibility and Rheological Behavior. China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology, 2021,23(4):37-46. (SCI)

16. Chen Bei, Dong Fuqiang*, Yu Xin, et al. Evaluation of Properties and Micro-Characteristics of Waste Polyurethane/Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Composite Modified Asphalt. Polymers, 2021,13(14):2249. (SCI)

17. Dong Fuqiang, Yu Xin, Wang Tianyu, et al. Influence of base asphalt aging levels on the foaming characteristics and rheological properties of foamed asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2018,177:43-50.SCI

18. Dong Fuqiang, Zhao Wenzhe, Zhang Yuzhen, et al. High-temperature performance and microstructure of composite modified hard asphalt. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2018,36(7):481-486.SCI

19. Dong Fuqiang, Yu Xin, Chen Jun, et al. Investigation on compatibility and microstructure of PCBs-modified asphalt. Journal of Applied Polymer Scinence, 2017, 44789.(SCI)

20. Dong Fuqiang, Yu Xin, Xu Bo, et al. Comparison of high temperature performance and microstructure for foamed WMA and HMA with RAP binder. Construction and Building Materials, 2017,134:594-601.(SCI)

21. Dong Fuqiang, Yu Xin, Liang Xingmin, et al. Influence of foaming water and aging process on the properties of foamed asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2017,153:866–874.(SCI)

22. Dong Fuqiang, Yu Xin, Liu Shengjie, et al. Rheological behaviors and microstructure of SBS/CR composite modified hard asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2016,115:285-293. (SCI)

23. Dong Fuqiang, Zhao Wenzhe, Zhang Yuzhen, et al. Influence of SBS and asphalt on SBS dispersion and the performance of modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 62:1-6.SCI

24. Dong Fuqiang, Fan Weiyu, Yang Guoming, et al. Dispersion of SBS and its influence on the performance of SBS modified asphalt. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2014, 42(5):1073-1080. (SCI)

25. Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, Xu Bo, et al. RAP Binder Influences on the Rheological Characteristics of Foamed Warm-Mix Recycled Asphalt. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017,29(9): 04017145.(SCI)

26. Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, Liang Xingmin, et al. Rheological Properties and Microstructure of Printed Circuit Boards Modified Asphalt. China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, 2017,19(1):72-80.(SCI)

27. Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, Ding Gongying, et al. Rheological and microstructural properties of foamed epoxy asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2016,114:215-222.(SCI)

28. Wei Jianming, Dong Fuqiang, Li Yanan, et al. Relationship analysis between surface free energy and chemical composition of asphalt binder. Construction and Builiding Materials, 2014,71:116-123.(SCI)

29. Yu Xin, Chen Bei, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. Repurposing Waste Polyurethane into Cleaner Asphalt Pavement Materials: Laboratory Investigation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023,35(9): 15892.(SCI)

30. Chen Bei, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. Geometrical characteristics of aggregates: The influence of sphericity, angularity, and surface texture on the workability of asphalt mixtures. Construction and Builiding Materials, 2023,402:132941.(SCI)

31. Chen Bei, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. Rheological Properties of High-Viscosity Modified Asphalt Containing Warm-Mix Additives.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023,35(5): 14839.(SCI)

32. Chen Bei, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. Influence of asphalt mixture workability on the distribution uniformity of asphalt, aggregate particles and asphalt film during mixing process. Construction and Builiding Materials, 2023,377:131128.(SCI)

33. Chen Bei, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. The application of intelligent control technology for the evaluation of temperature segregation in asphalt mixture paving. Construction and Builiding Materials, 2023,366:130178.(SCI)

34. Chen Bei, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. Compaction Quality Evaluation of Asphalt Pavement Based on Intelligent Compaction Technology. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2021,147(9):04021099. (SCI)

35. Ding Gongying, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang*, et al. Using Silane Coupling Agent Coating on Acidic Aggregate Surfaces to Enhance the Adhesion between Asphalt and Aggregate: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Marerials, 2021, 13(23):5580. (SCI)

36. Yu Xin, Ding Gongying, Dong Fuqiang. Laboratory investigation of cracking resistance performance of the cold-mixed epoxy resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138(9):e49923. (SCI)

37. Jin Yong, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang, et al. The improvement of various polyethylene on the high-temperature performance of degraded ground tire rubber modified asphalt and the compatibility enhancement mechanism of compatibilizer for composite modified asphalt. Construction and Builiding Materials, 2024,427:136255.(SCI)

38. 董夫强,祖元哲,于新,等. 热拌沥青混合料拌和和易性的评价方法. 建筑材料学报2024,723):275-282. EI

39. 董夫强,祖元哲,于新,等. 沥青混合料和易性评价方法研究综述.中外公路2024,445):83-96.

40. 王诗雨,董夫强*,于新,等. 相容剂组成对SBS改性沥青抗老化性能的影响. 建筑材料学报2023,269):996-1002. EI


  • 一种用于沥青混合料和易性评价模型及和易性评价方法,ZL202310732912.72024

  • 一种水性环氧乳化沥青、其制备方法及应用,ZL202211615629.82024

  • 一种温热高粘沥青改性剂及其制备方法,ZL202211436136.82024

  • 考虑养护工程特点的SBS改性沥青短期老化模拟方法,ZL202211409463.42024

  • 一种可快速溶解的高粘沥青改性剂、基于该改性剂的高粘沥青及其制备方法,LU5049672024

  • 一种沥青路面养护专用粘层材料、其制备方法及应用,ZL202211491587.72023

  • 一种针对RAP中老化SBS改性沥青的高效性能恢复剂及其制备方法,ZL202211327906.52023

  • 一种现场存储SBS改性沥青的性能提升方法,ZL202110528419.42022

  • 一种具有施工和易性的乳化再生剂及其制备方法,ZL202110135288.32022

  • 一种室内模拟沥青混合料老化方法,ZL202010503766.72022

  • 一种排水路面专用高粘改性沥青及其制备方法,ZL201810357952.72020

  • 一种泡沫温拌沥青用发泡剂及其制备方法,ZL201610025513.72018

  • 一种基于智能管控技术的沥青集料筒仓系统,ZL202020358906.12020

  • 筒仓智能管控系统演示软件V1.0,2020SR09689822020年,软件著作权


  1. 基于泡沫温拌设备的沥青路面绿色施工关键技术研发及工程应用,中国公路学会科技进步一等奖(10/21),2016

  2. 沥青路面低碳施工与废旧材料资源化关键技术研发及应用,教育部科技进步二等奖(7/19),2019

  3. 大掺量高分散橡胶沥青胶溶作用机理与温拌路用性能研究,中国交通运输协会科技进步二等奖(3/10),2023

  4. 泡沫温拌沥青绿色筑路关键技术研发及工程应用,浙江省政府三等奖(6/7),2020

  5. 岩石矿料绿色高效利用关键技术及道路修补材料应用,中国公路建设行业协会科技进步二等奖(6/13),2023

  6. 环境适配型路面建养材料质量提升关键技术及工程应用,中国商业联合会科技进步二等奖(4/11),2023

  7. 封层粘层洒布与沥青混合料摊铺一体机应用关键技术研发及工程应用,江苏省综合交通运输科学会科学技术二等奖(6/8),2019


  1. 国家标准:《沥青混合料专业名词术语》 GB/T37383-2019

  2. 地方标准:《泡沫温拌沥青混合料施工技术规范》 DB33/T 2384-2021


