李玉萍,江苏南京人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,国际合作与留学生管理办公室主任。2014年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,2013-2016年在新加坡国立大学近海研究与工程中心先后作为Research Engineer和Research Fellow从事海底基础稳定性分析方面的研究工作。 2016年2月加入河海大学土木与交通学院岩土工程科学研究所,主要从事环境岩土和海洋岩土方向的教学和科研工作。
主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家重点研发计划子课题3项,主持和参与横向科研项目10余项。发表期刊检索论文37篇(SCI30篇,EI中文7篇),主要科研成果以第一作者身份发表在《Géotechnique》《Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》《岩土力学》等国内外知名岩土期刊上,其中以第一或通讯作者身份在 《Geotechnique》上发表论文3篇。授权/申请国家发明专利10项(授4申6),主编/参编团体标准5部(主1参4,均发布)。受邀作国内外学术会议报告14次(国际9次,国内5次)。担任包括《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》在内的3个国内期刊青年编委,获科研奖励3项。主持江苏省研究生优秀课程《基础工程分析》、主持参与多项省级校级教改项目、建成全英文留学生在线课程1门,获河海大学钱家欢奖教金一等奖、江苏省首届高校外国留学生教学观摩比赛特等奖。
(Bio:Dr. Yu-Ping Li obtained her Ph.D. degree in Geotechnical Engineering from National University of Singapore in 2014. She is currently an associate professor in Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University. Before this, she worked as Research Engineer and Research Fellow in the Centre for Offshore Research & Engineering, NUS. Her major research interests include bearing capacity of deep foundations, remediation of contaminated soils, engineering properties of municipal solid waste.)
[1] 2018年-至今 副教授 河海大学
[2] 2016年-2018 博士后 河海大学
[3] 2014-2016 Research Fellow 新加坡国立大学近海研究与工程中心
[4] 2013-2014 Research Engineer 新加坡国立大学近海研究与工程中心
[5]2009.01-2014.06 哲学博士 (岩土工程) 新加坡国立大学
[6] 2006.09-2008.12 工学硕士 (岩土工程) 河海大学
[7] 2002.09-2006.06 工学学士 (土木工程试点) 河海大学
[1] 环境岩土工程(填埋场稳定化处理技术、场地污染土修复、固体废弃物工程特性和本构关系、边坡稳定性分析)
[2] 海洋岩土工程(近海自升平台桩靴基础、深海动力贯入锚、海上风电基础)
[1] 土建工程基础 (本科)
[2] 环境岩土工程 (本科,硕士)
[3] 基础工程分析(双语,硕士)
[4] 学术规范与论文写作指导(硕士,博士)
[5] Soil Mechanics/ Soil Mechanics Experiment(本科留学生)
[6] Foundation Engineering Analysis(硕士留学生)
[7] Special Topics on Civil Engineering (博士留学生)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 42277134):纤维组分空间随机分布和强度变异性对垃圾土强度及填埋体失稳影响机理研究 (2023-2026)(主持)
中央高校基本科研业务费项目(No. B230201054):考虑土体物理力学参数空间变异性影响的海上风电单桩基础承载力研究(2023-2024) (主持)
中央高校基本科研业务费项目(No. 2019B02114):温度升高对城市固体废弃物本构特性的影响(2019-2021)(主持)
国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 41702290):温度变化对高塑料含量垃圾土变形和强度特性影响机理研究 (2018-2020)(主持)
《扩底承载式钢管混凝土斜支撑技术规程》(T/CSRME 042-2024)(共同主编)
《村镇垃圾中转站渗滤液氮磷回收技术规范磷酸铵镁法》(T/JSSES 41-2024)(参编)
河海大学留学研究生全英文在线课程《Foundation Engineering Analysis》(参与)
河海大学留学本科生全英文授课精品课程《Soil Mechanics》(参与)
李玉萍,陈嘉瑞,施建勇等。热力耦合作用下垃圾土体积变形特性和模型研究,岩土力学,2024, 45(1):9-58
王宽君,贾志远,沈侃敏,李玉萍(通讯作者)。基于CPTU的江浙海上风电工程土体压缩模量解译方法,太阳能学报,2024, 45 (10): 544-553
李玉萍,樊宝云,董康冉等。 热脱附修复石油烃污染土壤室内试验研究,环境工程,2024,42(4):242-249
李玉萍,樊宝云,董康冉等。不同修复技术对石油烃污染粉质砂土工程特性影响室内试验研究,岩土力学,2023, 44(10) :2833-2842
Yuping Li, Jiangtao Yi, Yong Fu, Khursheed Zeeshan , Yuntao Yuan. A novel leg design for reducing consolidation settlement of deeply embedded spudcan foundations in clayey seabed soils. Applied Ocean research, 2024(录用).
Yuping Li, Baoyun Fan, Le Cheng, Jianyong Shi, Xiulei Li, Lianghu Su, Zeeshan Khursheed. Physical and mechanical characterization of solid waste collected from rural areas of China: Experimental study, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024, 191:873-882.
Yuping Li, Jarui Chen, Jianyong Shi, XiuLei Li, Xun Wu. Thermo-mechanical volume change behavior of municipal solid waste: experimental study and constitutive model. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2023, 60(4): 410-425.
Jianyong Shi, Yuping Li, Yucheng Zhang, Jun Tai, Yingbo Ai. Determination of heat generation due to organic degradation in a double-layered bioreactor. Environmental Geotechnics. DOI:10.1680/jenge.20.00105, 2021.
Yong Fu, Yuping Li(通讯作者), Yong Liu, Fook Hou Lee, Xi Ying Zhang, Hai Gu, An effective stress theoretical model for shear resistance and adhesion factor of dynamically installed anchors,Geotechnqiue, 2019,69(11):1004-1018.
Yuping Li, Yong Liu, Fook Hou Lee, Siang Huat Goh, Xi Ying Zhang and Jer-Fang Wu (2018).Effect of sleeves and skirts on mitigating spudcan punch-through in sand overlying normally consolidated clay, Geotechnique, 2019, 69(4):283-296.
Jiang Tao Yi, Yu Yang, Yuping Li(通讯作者), Xi Ying Zhang, Fook Hou Lee, Centrifuge study of lattice legs effect on spudcan fixity under cyclic combined loading conditions. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(6): 2045-2064.
Yuping Li, Jiang Tao Yi, Fook Hou Lee, Siang Huat Goh and Jun Hu (2018). Effect of lattice leg and sleeve on the transient vertical bearing capacity of deeply penetrated spudcans in clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(5).
Yuping Li, Jiang Tao Yi and Fook Hou Lee (2018). Centrifuge model study on the effect of lattice leg and sleeve on the post-consolidation bearing capacity of spudcan foundation, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(4).
Yuping Li, Yu Yang, Jiang Tao Yi, et al. (2018) Causes of post-installation penetration of jack-up spudcan foundations in clays, PLOS ONE, 13(11).
Jiang Tao Yi, Yuping Li(通讯作者), Shan Bai, Yong Fu, Fook Hou Lee and Xi Ying Zhang (2018). A Simple Effective Stress approach for Modeling Rate-dependent Strength of Soft Clay. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(4).
Jiang Tao Yi,Yuping Li(通讯作者), Yi Wei Li, Yu Yang and Yong Liu (2018). Experimental and numerical studies of the excess pore pressure field surrounding an advancing spudcan footing. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(2).
Aagesen, R., Dean, E.T.R., Lee, F.H., Yuping Li (2018). Simplified analysis of chord and brace effects on jackup leg penetration for preloading in soft clay. Canadian Gotechnical Journal. 2018, 55:1900-1907.
Yuping Li, Jiang Tao Yi, Fook Hou Lee, Siang Huat Goh , Xi Ying Zhang, Jer-Fang Wu, Yong Liu and Ben Zhao (2017). Effects of lattice leg on cavities and bearing capacity of deeply embedded spudcans in clay. Geotechnique, 67(1), 1-17.
Yong Liu, Jun Hu, Yuping Li(通讯作者)and Li-Hua Li (2017). Statistical evaluation of the overall strength of a soil-cement column under axial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 132, 51-60.
Yong Fu, Xiying Zhang, Yuping Li, Hai Gu, Jie Sun, Yong Liu and Fook Hou Lee (2017). Holding capacity of dynamically installed anchors in normally consolidated clay under inclined loading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(9), 1257-1271.
X. Liu; Y. Fu; C. H. Yeo; Yuping Li; F. H. Lee; H. Gu and J. Sun (2016). Technique for modeling installation and pullout of DIAs on a beam Centrifuge. Geotechnical testing Journal, 39(6), 1-12.
J. T. Yi, B. Zhao, Yuping LiY. Yang, F. H. Lee, S. H. Goh, X. Y. Zhang and J. F. Wu (2014). Post-installation pore-pressure changes around spudcan and long-term spudcan behavior in soft clay. Computers and Geotechnics, 56, 133-147.
本科生培养:已完成4届本科生毕业设计指导,其中2届获校优秀毕业设计, 指导大学生创新训练项目1项(国家级结题优秀)。
E-mail: liyuping@hhu.edu.cn