


题 目:Bio-inspired Geotechnics/仿生岩土工程

报告人:陶军亮 美国亚利桑那州立大学 副教授

时 间:2 018年5月30日(周三)14:00

地 点:科学馆516






Dr. Junliang (Julian) Tao, is an associate professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at Arizona State University. Dr. Tao holds a Ph.D degree from Case Western Reserve University. Before joining ASU, Dr. Tao was an assistant professor at The University of Akron. His research aims to explore fundamental mechanisms of and innovative countermeasures to emerging infrastructure challenges. Dr. Tao is particularly interested in addressing smart and sustainable infrastructure challenges from a nature-inspired perspective. Specific research topics include: bio-inspired smart sensors, bio-inspired smart construction technologies and bio-inspired sustainable countermeasures to nature hazards. Dr. Tao is also interested in developing and applying multi-physics, multi-scale numerical modeling techniques to study the fundamental behaviors of soils. He has authored more than 50 high quality publications. He is the PI of a number of projects funded by university, state and federal agencies. Dr. Tao is the recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER Award in 2017. He also serves in the editorial board of ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, and serves in committees in ASCE, TRB, SPIE and IEEE. 

陶军亮,美国亚利桑那州立大学,副教授。美国凯斯西储大学博士,2013 至 2018 年,任职于美国阿克伦大学。 研究致力于从学科交叉(尤其是仿生)的角度解决土木基建工程中的新兴问题。主要研究兴趣为仿生岩土工程,比如基于仿生概念的智能传感器,智能检测和智能施工,自然灾害预测和治理方法等;其他研究方向包括岩土材料基本行为,多物理场多尺度仿真模拟等。发表学术论文50余篇。主持阿克伦大学种子项目2项,俄亥俄州交通研究项目4项,2017年美国自然科学基金委杰出青年(CAREER Award) 获得者。目前担任ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation 编委,以及多个学术组织(ASCE, TRB,SPIE,IEEE)委员会委员。