


题 目:Studies on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure


报告人: 马红岩,密苏里科技大学,土木工程学助理教授

时 间: 2018611日(周一)1400

地 点: 科学馆516




 Dr. Hongyan Ma is an assistant professor of civil engineering in Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Inorganic Non-metallic Material Engineering and Bachelor’s degree in Law from Chongqing University (China) in 2005, Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from Shenzhen University (China) in 2008, and PhD in Civil Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2013. Before joining Missouri S&T in October 2015, he worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow in HKUST for two and a half years. His current research interests include phase change functional materials, biotechnology in construction, novel binder materials (MPC-based and calcined clay cements), smart systems for testing and evaluation (fiber-optic sensors and hyperspectral camera), hydration kinetics of cementitious materials, multi-scale characterization and modeling of concrete properties, deterioration mechanisms of concrete, etc. Dr. Ma has published over 60 refereed papers, of which 50 appear on international journals. These publications have received over 1000 citations, with an h-index of 19. He is an editorial board member of two journals, and an active reviewer for 35 reputable journals, including Cement and Concrete Research, Cement & Concrete Composites, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, PCCP, Applied EnergyACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, etc. Dr. Ma has received over one million US dollars research grants from the US, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Dr. Ma is an active member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He is a member of ACI Committees 546E, 122, 246 and 241, and an ASCE ExCEEd Fellow.

马红岩博士现为密苏里科技大学土木工程学助理教授。马博士分别于2005年、2008年和2013年在重庆大学、深圳大学和香港科技大学取得学士(无机非金属材料工程)、硕士(结构工程)及哲学博士学位(土木工程)学位。201510月加入密苏里科技大学之前,供职于香港科技大学做博士后研究(功能材料)。马博士当前的研究范畴包括:相变储能材料在混凝土技术中的应用、微生物技术在建筑工程中的应用、新型胶凝材料、基于光纤和超光谱相机的智能监测与检测系统、多组分胶凝材料水化动力学、混凝土微结构与传输性能的多尺度模拟、混凝土劣化机理等。其研究已获得来自美国、中国香港及中国超过100万美元的资助。马博士已发表超过60篇期刊论文,其中46篇被SCI检索。 引用超过1000h-index 19。现为3种国际期刊的编委会成员、35种国际期刊的活跃审稿人(包括Cement and Concrete ResearchCement & Concrete CompositesConstruction and Building MaterialsJournal of Physical Chemistry CPCCPApplied Energy等)、美国混凝土学会(ACI)成员及美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)成员。2017年被遴选为ACI 242546E委员会voting member,并获得ASCE ExCEEd奖金。